KAFT Coaching coaches have had years of experience leading teams in organizations and companies. They are trained to take you, your group, your organization, or your company to the next level. Through individual and group sessions and retreats or workshops. We focus on highlighting strengths and helping them maximize them. This allows individuals to increase their self-confidence and belonging to the group, resulting in better productivity and a very positive and intentionally growing work environment.
Some of the workshops we offer are:
Identifying Talents and Strengths
True Influence
Impactful Leadership
How to Maintain a Culture of Growth
Coach Karen Flores
CEO and founder of KAFT Coaching
B.A. in Psychology at SFSU, where she also took some graduate classes of the M.A Counseling Program. Coach Karen’s certifications are in Theology from the Diocese of Oakland and The University of Santa Clara, and 7 different certifications in Coaching